Boho-ethnic-vintage-industrial, all just titles that we give to characterize what we create or see. But what is authentic and how can someone truly characterize a boho-ethnic space. The following bathrooms are genuine depictions of this style as they are completely intertwined with their origin, history and culture of their place. Bali, Egypt, Morocco, India and Tuscany are some of the seats of these settings. But what is it that we see in all these versions and that convince us so easily of their style? Natural materials, stone, wood, pressed cement mortars, built architectural elements, retro batteries, handmade accessories, strong color contrasts and specific fabrics are the visual means that help us perceive the space. On a deeper level, however, a Boho space is characterized by its variability in function of time. It is a space that never stays the same, constantly changing its image depending on the mood, the season and the things that the time-user adds. It is a living repository of things and memories that pre-existed and others that were added over the years. It is a depiction of street culture as the sloppiness of the situation and the collection of unrelated things combined all together yield such a familiar and warm result that it approaches another alternative aesthetic.